Raw Paw is an artist-run print studio in Austin, TX. We believe in our community of creators and are invested in making print dreams become a reality. Since opening our shop in 2009, we’ve consistently improved our screen printing processes, cultivated a network of ethical suppliers, built an expert team, and grown into an invaluable resource for independent artists. Our goal is to provide the expert tools we wish we had when we started to artists everywhere, while delivering superior service, excellent quality, and careful consideration to every item we produce. Raw Paw believes in both the culture of printing, and the artists’ ability to do exactly that: Print Culture.

Come Visit our Shop

Mon - Fri, 10am - 6pm
Phone: 512-522-5872
Email: print@rawpaw.ink
Address: 506 E St Elmo Rd a3, Austin, TX 78745
We began in the early 2010’s in a broth of new talent, house shows, and poetry potlucks. In discovering what Raw Paw was, we became a poetry reading, a zine, a garage screen print shop, a house show art party, a book, a magazine, a publisher, a curator, a newspaper, a brand, a venue show art party, a music festival, a record label, a scene.
We then consolidated the snowball.
Now, we are a screen printing shop for artists and businesses while working as a team to create our dreams.